It is the shortest route of all in this district. It leads to the waterfalls of “A Férrea ”in the middle of the Muradal Fraga and very close to the town centre of A Pontenova. These waterfalls, fed by the A Férrea stream, have 2 waterfalls, about 7 or 8 meters high.
The location (parking space) can be reached by car and the lower part of waterfall is just 300 meters further, so can be accessed without much difficulty.
To access the upper part of the waterfall, we must cross a small wooden bridge and take a zig-zag path throughout the forest.
The path to access this high part of the waterfall, although short, is very steep, and during the tour we will have to climb a wooden staircase and pass the ruins of the old “Muiño do Muradoiro” and continue parallel to the canal through which the water was diverted to the mentioned mill, until reaching the waterfall in its highest part.